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/ The Business Master (4th Edition) / The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso / files / utilstem / himove

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
!!read.!me Text File 56 2KB 1993-05-12
describe.doc Text File 54 2KB 1993-05-12
file_id.diz Text File 11 424b 1993-05-12
himove.bat DOS Batch File 9 145b 1993-05-12
himove.doc Text File 2,522 91KB 1993-05-12
hisetup.cfg Text File 3 53b 1993-05-23
hisetup.def Text File 3 53b 1993-05-12
order.frm Text File 106 4KB 1993-07-10
vendor.doc Text File 108 4KB 1993-05-12

Other Files (3)
hiload.sys MS-DOS Driver 5KB 1993-05-12
himove.sys MS-DOS Driver 7KB 1993-07-10
hisetup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 154KB 1993-07-10